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EIGHT BRAID / ايت برايد

RELIX EIGHT BRAID is braided from 8 high quality PE yarns with a braid construction that is designed to give the best combination of suppleness and strength. It is soft as silk and very thin. The small diameter allows one to fill up the spool with more line and it will cast further due to its suppleness. Practically no memory and zero stretch.

EIGHT BRAID / ايت برايد

حياكم فروعنا

الـفاران للأدوات البحريـــــــــة  

8218 Al Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib Rd 

Hazm, Safwa 


حياكــم كل يوم  

7:30 Am - 11:30 Am

3:30 Pm - 8:00 Pm

ما نسكر الا يوم الجمعة 


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