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LipLess Minnow 90S

●Full flat sides creates color gradation and flicking.
●Improve the strength of the lip with brace.
●Able to avoid obstacles by its high buoyancy.
●Mimics ambushed and flickering minnow when pausing after steady
 retrieve or jerking. perfect in shallow warm water conditions.
●Realistic Baitfish Patterns

LipLess Minnow 90S

حياكم فروعنا

الـفاران للأدوات البحريـــــــــة  

8218 Al Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib Rd 

Hazm, Safwa 


حياكــم كل يوم  

7:30 Am - 11:30 Am

3:30 Pm - 8:00 Pm

ما نسكر الا يوم الجمعة 


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