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Morethan Galva 87S

e target range is about 20 cm below the surface of the water. After repeating many trials, it is equipped with a short lip designed with an exquisite length and angle to achieve both quick levitation performance and range keeping performance. The parachute effect reduces climbing and skidding even in windy conditions, allowing anyone to easily trace just below the surface of the water. In addition, castability is excellent despite the fixed weight. The slow pitch action that makes it even harder to thread makes it ideal for games in the bay of fierce battlefields.

Available in:
BlueSky - BoraGlow - HappyLemon - HoloRedHead - Kinpikalwashi - LemonSaltMint - PinkBeret - RoyalCoralPink - Suzumi - WhiteNight - Iwashi Gold.

Morethan Galva 87S

حياكم فروعنا

الـفاران للأدوات البحريـــــــــة  

8218 Al Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib Rd 

Hazm, Safwa 


حياكــم كل يوم  

7:30 Am - 11:30 Am

3:30 Pm - 8:00 Pm

ما نسكر الا يوم الجمعة 


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