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Tarantula / تارانتولا

The new molecular structure of Tarantula gives it grater tensile strength with a good amount of stretch. These great qualities give you a great deal of confidence when you hook a big fish.
Tarantula should be on the pedestal of its own. You should never worry about the line snapping even when fighting big fish. The stretch quality of this line works as a shock absorber to protect your line from snapping. Both these assets are perfectly matched together to guarantee the line will never fail you.

Tarantula / تارانتولا

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الـفاران للأدوات البحريـــــــــة  

8218 Al Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib Rd 

Hazm, Safwa 


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7:30 Am - 11:30 Am

3:30 Pm - 8:00 Pm

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